Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression at Sports Performance and Spine Center
A Unique Approcach
At Sports Performance and Spine Center, we have developed a specific protocol that combines our non-surgical spinal decompression therapy using the patented DRX9000® with our Class IV Avicenna high-power therapeutic laser to get results others cannot duplicate. Our clinic is recognized for its high success rate, because we provide you with the most advanced non-surgical treatment technology available for severe back pain. NEW PATIENTS
What To Expect
When you come in for your first visit, Dr. Baleno will do a full evaluation to see how we can address your needs. Once we have determined the cause of your pain, we will develop a treatment protocol specifically designed for you, so we can get right to work and get you on the path to being pain- free.
Conditions That May Improve
Spinal decompression may be helpful for patients experiencing chronic, moderate to severe neck or low back pain or radiculopathy. It may also be the answer for people who have tried conventional chiropractic care, physical therapy, steroid injections, and pain pills, with little to no relief. And if you are considering surgery, we highly recommend trying this non-invasive approach first.
Conditions that spinal decompression may help with include the following:
Chronic Neck Pain – Neck pain can be caused by various factors, including car accidents, muscle strain, arthritis, or a pinched nerve, all of which can lead to significant trauma and chronic pain.
Herniated and Bulging Discs – Most herniated discs occur in the lumbar or cervical spine. When they press on nerves, herniated discs can cause pain, numbness or tingling, and weakness in the area of the body affected by the nerve.
Chronic Headaches – There are many types of headaches, from migraines to cluster to tension, and although they may have many causes, they have one characteristic in common—they all cause pain.
Failed Back Surgery – Failed back surgery syndrome is a condition in which patients who have not had a successful result with spinal surgery typically experience continued chronic pain or are sometimes even worse after surgery.
Sciatica – Sciatica is caused by a herniated disc, which causes pain and numbness in the buttock, which extends down the leg. Sciatica is the most common symptom of a herniated disc in the lower back that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.
How Does the Treatment Work?
Designed by a specialized team of top physicians and medical engineers, spinal decompression can effectively address chronic and severe low back pain without surgery. This FDA-cleared procedure is gentle and comfortable, with no risks and side effects. Spinal decompression slowly relaxes and stretches the spine, removing the downward forces of gravity, and creating a vacuum that allows water, oxygen and nutrients to flow back into the discs and begin the healing process. The injured disc is located and gently separated, which allows the disc to be pulled back in, taking pressure off the surrounding compressed nerve roots.
The DRX9000
The DRX9000 is the top spinal decompression unit on the market. Our unit has separate cervical and lumbar decompression capabilities. The unit works by using finely calibrated and high-speed computers to calculate the specific angle and forces of pull to the patient’s spine, to help relax the patient’s paraspinal guarding muscles and maximize spinal elongation. The treatment time is approximately 30-40 minutes, during which the patient is harnessed, completely relaxed, and is provided a headset to listen to calming and relaxing music of their choosing.
Does the Treatment Work?
The DRX9000 has been studied by doctors from Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Duke University, and Stanford. All the research shows positive results with decreased pain and improved disc function. Some studies have even shown prep and post-MRI findings with disc re-absorption following treatment on the DRX9000. According to the American Academy of Pain Management at their annual conference in Tampa in September 2007, after two weeks of treatment on the DRX9000 there was a 50% reduction in pain scores.
Get Started Today
Contact us today to schedule your risk-free initial consultation with our doctors to determine if you are a candidate for spinal decompression. After carefully studying your case history, exam findings, and X-ray/MRI results, we will sit down and explain his recommended plan of action for you. Our doctors will answer any questions you may have about the recommended plan, and then you may begin your care with spinal decompression.